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The official program now available for the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference and Trade Exhibition (APP2024)

The 2024 program reflects the conference theme, ‘Navigating the future together’, and will focus on the profession heading towards 8CPA.

The program offers a range of education streams to cover all aspects of community pharmacy including business, innovation and leadership, clinical pharmacy/product updates, rural pharmacy, cultural engagement, harm minimisation, and an Early Career Pharmacist stream

The Rural Pharmacy Forum returns for 2024 and is being held Thursday, 14 March 2024, 2pm – 5:30pm

Adapting to a Changing Landscape

The dynamic area of health has been marked by constant change this decade, especially in regional, rural, and remote Australia.

The 2024 Rural Pharmacy Forum is a great opportunity to network with colleagues from regional, rural, and remote parts of Australia to discuss the changing landscape and the challenges facing the pharmacy sector.

These discussions will focus on full scope of practice and patient benefits in rural Australia, the challenges of community pharmacy workforce capacity in rural locations as well as the impact of and solutions to Government policies, like 60-Day Dispensing.

Participants of the Rural Pharmacy Forum will be able to discuss and identify solutions to support small business viability and workforce capability of rural and remote community pharmacy in a changing landscape.

There will also be an exciting and interactive workshop to identify key issues, discuss solutions and to inform advocacy for future rural policy direction.

You can also bring your creativity to the forum by entering the 2024 “I Love Rural Pharmacy” video competition by showing how your pharmacy is meeting the theme of adapting and evolving in a changing landscape. Prizes include a full free APP2025 Registration.

Rural Pharmacy Forum at APP2024

Adapting to a Changing Landscape

The objects of the association are to:
  • Advance and promote pharmacy education and research
  • Advance and promote the discipline of pharmacy and the pharmacy profession
  • Foster collective responses to issues of mutual interest to Members
  • Provide representation on behalf of the Members
  • Provide a focal point for collective access to the Members by other agencies
  • Provide a collegial forum for exchange of ideas and benchmarking among Members
  • Other related activities as agreed by the Members from time to time

Connecting you with quality pharmacy education

Completing your education with a pharmacy school in Australia or New Zealand can position you as a highly skilled, leading pharmacist.  With your Australian or New Zealand pharmacy degree you'll be enabled to start your healthcare career with confidence and credibility.  

Contact us now and we can help you take your next step in your education as a pharmacist.  

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