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In 2024, the inaugural Cultural EngagementVideo Competition launched at APP, with the theme being Prescribing Health, Welcoming Diversity 

Emerton Amcal Pharmacy in New South Wales has won the judges award for Best Video in the Pharmacy Guild’s inaugural video competition for cultural engagement.

This year’s theme was “Prescribing Health, Welcoming Diversity” to showcase and emphasise the role of community pharmacies in promoting health and wellness while welcoming and celebrating the diversity of cultures in their own community.

The winner of the People's Choice award was Carter's Pharmacy from Gunnedah, NSW.

To see all the videos, including the Best Video and People's Choice, CLICK HERE. 

Winner announced for the 'Cultural Engagement' Video Competition

The objects of the association are to:
  • Advance and promote pharmacy education and research
  • Advance and promote the discipline of pharmacy and the pharmacy profession
  • Foster collective responses to issues of mutual interest to Members
  • Provide representation on behalf of the Members
  • Provide a focal point for collective access to the Members by other agencies
  • Provide a collegial forum for exchange of ideas and benchmarking among Members
  • Other related activities as agreed by the Members from time to time

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